Events Attended
Students and Educators Reached
Schools and Organizations Engaged
Curricular Resources Available
The Mobile Energy Classroom Trailer is a resource for teachers who would like to use the tools and equipment to engage their classes deeply in energy generation, efficiency, and exploration labs. These are meant to be hands on opportunities to help meet classroom needs. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Agriculture, Career and Technical Education teachers are welcome to request the trailer. We do hope educators requesting the trailer have completed an Energy Education for Educator (E3) workshop prior to use.
Request the trailer
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Teach It Tuesday
Are you looking for quick tips, short labs, or student engagement ideas? Follow us on social media for our Teach it Tuesday series where we'll go over free curricular offerings from our industry and education partners.
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Hands On
E3: Energy Education for Educators
Our free professional development workshops allow teachers to get hands on, in the field, and in the classroom with energy experts from across the state. These events are designed to prepare teachers to lead classrooms in energy concepts, labs, and answer real questions about careers in energy. Watch our events calendar for our professional development.
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Curriculum Resources
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MN Energy
The Minnesota Energy Consortuim (MEC) is always looking for educators to help us engage and enhance the future energy workforce. If you're interested please visit the Minnesota Energy Consortium and complete the form to be invited to our events, stay informed about energy careers, and help shape energy education in Minnesota.
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